
Best Liposuction Aftercare

December 4, 2022

There are many types and operations of liposuction available: there is the surgical procedure, Vaser liposuction, and liposuction procedure. These methods aim to remove the accumulated fat in a specific part of the body, such as the abdomen, arms, buttocks, chest, back, pelvis or thighs Or the chin and neck. Indeed, these operations cannot be relied upon as a general weight loss. Still, the effective and magical result they provide in body sculpting gives an intense dose of positive feelings and self-confidence and strongly encourages maintaining a healthy diet and exercising so that body sculpting does not return as it was before. Sometimes liposuction methods may be used for cosmetic purposes such as breast reduction or treatment of gynecomastia in men. Many people ask if there is a set of tips after tummy liposuction to maintain their new shape, and the answer is yes, and this is what we will present in this article. But before that, let's get to know the different types of liposuction because according to the technique used, you will have to apply some tips that are slightly different from others; for example, the tips after liposuction will be different from those you will follow when trying laser liposuction or liposuction by freezing.

Does weight gain after liposuction?

Yes, this may happen. Although liposuction is a permanent process of removing fat cells, it does not guarantee weight stability. It is still possible to gain weight. Eating a lot of food after liposuction may lead to the return of fat in different places. If liposuction is performed on the abdomen, and the patient does not change his harmful eating habits, he may gain weight in other places, such as the upper abdomen or thighs.

Tips after laser liposuction

Using the laser causes great tension on the surface of the skin. Follow the following instructions to avoid complications that may occur as a result of laser liposuction:

  •      Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
  •      Make sure to drink enough water to avoid dehydration
  •      Avoid strenuous exercise for at least two weeks
  •      Use moisturizing creams and ointments as directed by your doctor
  •      Use antihistamines when you have an urge to itch

Does fat return after liposuction?

Yes, fat can return after liposuction, although the removed fat cells do not return, as the body does not create new fat cells after the age of 18; significant weight gain after the procedure can make the remaining fat cells swell in all areas treated and in the rest of the body. The remaining fat cells will not swell, and the procedure results will remain great if the person maintains their weight after liposuction.
Tips after liposuction
During the liposuction procedure, the doctor can break up your fat cells, which will not grow again. Therefore, you must spare no effort in maintaining a healthy diet that considers the calories your body needs to maintain your attractive appearance after the operation. Allowing significant weight gain in the future will encourage your body to create new fat cells or store this fat in other areas of the body.
In addition to choosing the appropriate surgeon who the American Board accredits, we advise you to follow the following tips:

  • Wear compression garments: After liposuction, your body tends to fill the treated area with fluids! Wearing medical gowns or compression garments will help relieve pain and reduce swelling after the procedure, and this helps your body adjust to its new shape. It is recommended to continue this for two weeks after the operation until the swelling is completely gone. In general, the longer the period, the greater the positive effect of this practice.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet: It is very important to keep drinking large amounts of fluids; not eating enough fluids encourages your body to store more of them, hindering the operation's full results.
  • Some think that once the body is sculpted through various liposuction procedures, it has permanently overcome the problem of storing fat. In fact, when you eat huge quantities of food that contain a huge amount of calories in excess of the body's needs, the body will resort to storing them as fat. Avoid eating starches and sugars as much as possible; this includes rice, bread, pasta, pastries, biscuits and sweets. Because this type of food stimulates the body to secrete large amounts of insulin, insulin works first to burn those calories. Still, when you eat more than you need, then it stops. All of the body's fat-burning mechanisms begin the process of storing these calories as fat.
  • Walking: Keeping walking helps you avoid the risk of blood clots after the operation and improves blood circulation and a sense of vigor and vitality.
  • Wound integrity: Make sure the wound remains clean and away from any sources of contamination.
  • Maintain medication: The doctor usually prescribes some antibiotics or analgesics to relieve pain or antiallergics to relieve the urge to itch. Make sure you take it the right way.
  • Communicate with the doctor: It is recommended to immediately communicate with your doctor when you notice any leakage, bleeding or signs of bacterial infection.
  • The affected area: Avoid covering the affected area with ice bags or applying hydrogen peroxide to sterilize the wound.

Proper eating after liposuction

It is very important to follow healthy eating habits after liposuction to maintain the results, and these are the most important tips about proper eating after liposuction:

  • Include more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins in the diet.
  • Reduce your intake of sugars, simple carbohydrates and saturated fats.
  • Eat several small meals throughout the day to maintain energy levels and not feel deprived.
  • Drinking enough water daily helps control hunger, increasing burning and facilitating digestion.
  • Take vitamins to ensure your body gets the essential elements that help with recovery. Because most people don't get the vitamins they need through food, high-quality supplements are important.

Maintaining a healthy diet: The most dangerous thing that results from eating excessive amounts of carbohydrates is that the body begins to resist the hormone insulin after a while, meaning that the amount of insulin that the body naturally secretes is no longer enough to burn the sugars you eat, which stimulates the pancreas It produces more insulin and the matter gets worse and enters this vicious cycle that eventually leads to diabetes and obesity. It is also recommended to take sufficient quantities of vitamins and minerals that help the vital processes to function in the best way and raise the rates of fat burning by eating more fresh vegetables and fruits.