
Causes of hair loss

November 20, 2022

Hair loss is the total or partial loss of hair in one of the body areas where hair usually grows, especially the area on the top of the head. Daily hair loss is a natural alternation between old and new fallen inches. Hair loss becomes a problem when it starts to fall out quickly or stops growing normally. Although most of those who suffer from the pain of hair loss rush to seek treatment on an aesthetic background, sometimes, the causes of hair loss are a health problem and must be addressed.

hair loss causes

Hair loss may be caused at a high rate for many reasons. In some cases of hair loss, new hair grows in place of the hair that has fallen out. In other cases, the hair loss phenomenon can be successfully treated by a dermatologist. As for other issues for which no treatment is available, much and continuous research is being conducted on them. 

    1.Using harmful chemicals

Many women and men use chemically manufactured hair care products, including:

  • hair dyes
  • colour lightening agents
  • hair straighteners


If you don't get enough nutrients from your diet, it can lead to hair loss, says Dina Strachan, M.D., a dermatologist and hair loss expert at Aglow Dermatology. This is more common in people deficient in zinc, iron and protein. And protein, in particular, is essential for hair growth. And if your body is low in protein, it will prioritize using protein for crucial bodily functions over hair growth. This condition can be improved by getting the right vitamins to help with hair growth, thickness and general health. Blood tests can identify any deficiencies that may explain your hair loss.

    3.Androgenetic alopecia or hereditary baldness

This condition is prevalent and affects more men than women. Androgenetic alopecia is often hereditary and usually begins sometime after puberty and before age 40.

    4.Telogen Effluvium

Illness, stress, psychological stress and other factors may lead a large amount of hair to enter the so-called terminal phase, which is the resting phase in the activity of the hair follicle cells as part of the natural cycle of hair growth, which leads to high and accelerated hair loss without This often results in entirely bald spots. In most cases, this hair loss stops automatically after a few months. Among the factors that
cause chronic hair loss are:

  • high temperature
  • Acute and severe infection and acute influenza
  • Complicated surgery or chronic illness
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Low-protein nutrition
  • Iron deficiency in the blood
  • Take some medications
  • Take birth control pills
  • Treatments for cancer
  • Alopecia areata

Bard says that an autoimmune disease called alopecia areata causes the body to attack hair cells, mistakenly leading to hair loss. Bard says that an autoimmune disease called alopecia areata causes the body to attack hair cells, mistakenly leading to hair loss. This condition usually affects people with a genetic predisposition to the disease but can also occur due to emotional or physical trauma. "It usually appears as separate patches of hair loss on the scalp or beard and may progress to the entire body in severe cases," Bard says. Hair usually grows in bald patches, but it may fall out again. Once you notice a bald spot, you should see a dermatologist, Bard says. A doctor must diagnose Alopecia areata, and sometimes a biopsy is required to confirm the diagnosis.

hair loss treatment

There are many treatment methods according to the type of hair; some types of hair stop loss through medicines, some through surgical operations and some only need some natural materials to recover and return to normal.

1. Hair Loss Treatment Medicines

Medicines for the treatment of hair loss contain large and concentrated amounts of the hair's need of various vitamins and minerals that the body cannot obtain from the body, which helps the hair to treat, heal and restore its strength and health. 

2. Hair restoration surgery

Doctors and surgeons specializing in dermatology perform several types of surgeries to restore hair, restore the places from which it has fallen out, and give the hair as natural a look as possible. As for the most candidates for such surgeries and those who need it most, they have visible baldness, fragile hair, and hair falling out due to scalp injury or burns.

3. Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is based on the prevailing principle of donation, i.e. taking hair from a healthy place and transplanting it during the surgery to grow again in the bald area. Hair transplantation requires the following things:
 Remove bruises from the skin of the scalp.
A sample is taken from the back and sides of the scalp, where these places are called donor areas because they contain hair that continues to grow for life.
 Repair and restoration of the donation area
It is a process that usually results in the appearance of a small scar covered by the surrounding hair.
 Cut grooves from the skin of the scalp
The furrows contain hair; they are cut from the donor area and divided into groups of implants (implants) to be implanted in the bald patches prepared for this.
The area that can be covered by hair transplantation varies according to the size of the bald spot and the method of transplantation followed. About a month after the operation, the bulk of the transplanted hair falls out. After two months, new hair begins to grow and then continues to grow according to the natural pace, and after six months, the transplanted hair acquires a unique shape. Similar to the look and feel of natural hair.

If you are looking for a surefire way to get rid of hair loss and baldness, we will help you. Just contact us through WhatsApp