
Factors affecting human height

December 11, 2023

 Factors affecting human height 

Some people wish they were taller because they don't like how tall they are. There isn't much an adult who is fully grown can do to get taller, even though living a healthy lifestyle can encourage growth. 

The primary determinant of an individual's height is their genetic composition. But there are a lot of other variables that might affect height during development, such as: 


The primary factor influencing a person's height is their DNA. 

Over 700 distinct genes have been found by scientists to determine height. Certain genes influence the growth plates, while others have an impact on the synthesis of growth hormones. 

People from different ethnic backgrounds tend to have distinct normal height ranges. Once more, their DNA determines this. 

Some genetic disorders, such as Marfan syndrome and Down syndrome, can also impact a person's adult height. 


Hormones produced by the body tell the growth plates to start forming new bones. Among them are: 

• Growth hormones: The primary hormone for growth, these are produced by the pituitary gland. The body's ability to produce growth hormones may be limited by certain medical diseases, which may affect height. Congenital growth hormone insufficiency is a rare genetic disorder that causes children to grow significantly more slowly than other children. 

• The thyroid gland produces hormones that affect growth. 

• Sex hormones: During puberty, testosterone and estrogen play a critical role in growth. 


Generally speaking, men are taller than women. Additionally, males may continue to grow longer than girls. Male adults are typically 5.5 in (14 cm) taller than female adults. 

The average height of a male in the United States is 69 inches (175.2 cm), while the average height of a girl is 63.6 inches (161.5 cm), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

How to Increase Height During Development 

Most of the variables that affect a person's height are out of their control. This is due to the fact that their DNA determines who they are and cannot be altered. 

But several things can make you develop faster or slower between childhood and puberty. Teens and children in growth can take certain actions to maximize their adult height. Among them are: 

Ensuring Good Nutrition 

Growth is greatly impacted by nutrition. Youngsters who receive inadequate nourishment cannot grow as tall as those who receive appropriate nutrition. 

Nutritionists advise that kids and teenagers consume a diversified, well-balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables. By doing this, you can make sure they get all the vitamins and minerals they require to be healthy. 

Calcium and protein are especially crucial for the development and function of bones. Foods high in protein include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
Yogurt, milk, cheese, broccoli, kale, soybeans, oranges, sardines, and salmon are a few foods high in calcium. 

The fetus's growth and bone health during pregnancy depends on maintaining a healthy diet. Growth is greatly impacted by nutrition. Children who don't eat well might not grow to the same height as other kids. 

Getting Enough Sleep 

Children and teenagers benefit from sleep in terms of growth and development. The body releases the hormones required for growth when it is in a deep slumber. Thus, getting adequate sleep might promote the best possible growth. 

Getting Regular Exercise 

In addition, regular exercise is necessary for healthy physical growth. Engaging in physical activities such as sports or outdoor play helps promote stronger, healthier bones. 

Adults can also Increase Their Height By: 

Practice good posture 

Proper posture not only makes one appear taller when standing or sitting, but it also helps avoid the back and neck pain that slouching frequently brings with it. 

• To stand with proper posture, one should keep their shoulders back, draw their belly toward their spine while lightly contracting their muscles, maintain a level head and a body alignment, place their feet shoulder-width apart, avoid locking their knees, bear most of their weight on their balls of the feet, and let their arms hang loosely at their sides. 

• Keeping the feet flat on the floor while seated, adjusting the chair height so that the thighs remain parallel to the floor and the feet are flat on the floor, avoiding crossing the legs, using a small pillow or towel to support the back, and allowing the shoulders to rest comfortably are other ways that someone can practice good sitting posture. 

Good posture may help one appear taller by preserving the appropriate amount of space between the vertebrae. 

How long does it take to improve posture to seem taller? 

A 2017 study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy ScienceTrusted Source suggested that improving posture could make someone appear taller in as little as eight weeks. 

Three different workout regimens were given to 28 individuals at random during the trial to help them with their posture. Before and after the eight-week workout program, the researchers measured people's posture. 

After the eight weeks, all of the regimens resulted in noticeable changes in posture. Even though everybody is unique, it usually takes this much time for the posture to get better enough to make the wearer appear taller.
A person should minimize behaviors that deteriorate posture in addition to engaging in posture-improving exercises, such as reclining in a chair or constantly staring down at a phone. 

How much height increase can you expect from enhancing your posture? 

If someone hunches their neck, shoulders, or spine, their posture may give the impression that they are shorter. Their actual height may be reduced by a few inches as a result. 

There is anecdotal evidence of up to 2 inches of height gain with better posture, while there is little research on this topic. 

People start to lose height after the age of thirty steadily. People typically lose half an inch in height every ten years. Once you reach the age of 70, this loss can quicken. A person's appearance can be furthered by slouching and other comparable posture patterns, which can make them appear shorter. 

Strengthen the core muscles. 

A person with a strong midsection might appear taller and maintain proper posture. The muscles in the belly and throughout the spinal column are known as the core muscles. 

These muscles support the spine. The spine may compress and is not adequately supported if these muscles are overly weak. Slouching may result from this as well. 

A person can do the following exercises to strengthen their core muscles: 

• Plank: Hold the pose at the peak of a pushup while maintaining contractions in your abdominal muscles. 

• Superman: Extend your arms, legs, and head off the ground while lying on your stomach. 

• Abdominal crunch: Raise your head and shoulders by utilizing your core muscles while lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. 

Take supplements 

Certain minerals and vitamins help support a balanced diet. Specific supplements have the potential to fortify bone, the body's support structure that aids in the maintenance of proper posture. 

Calcium and vitamin D supplements help increase bone density and stop bone loss, which can result in stooped posture, osteoporosis, arthritis, and fractures. 

Supplements that the manufacturers say can help with growth in maturity should be avoided. Regardless of what the supplement container says, there is no way to add height once the growth plates close, which occurs after puberty. 

Eat a nutritious diet. 

In high-income nations, the average adult height has risen quickly, citing a 2016 literature study (Trusted Source). The authors of the study point out that prior research indicates that the rise in height can be attributed to dietary changes, general improvements in living standards, and a reduction in exposure to disease. 

The body gets the nutrients it needs from a healthy, balanced diet to keep strong bones and stop osteoporosis and bone loss. As the spine and joints compress, bone loss can result in a decrease in height. 

A healthy diet should consist of lean meats, whole grains, fruits, leafy greens, and a range of vibrant veggies. 

Do yoga 

Yoga may help relax the muscles, improve posture, and promote body flexibility, giving the impression of greater height. 

Yoga may help adults avoid losing height as they age because one of the main reasons for height loss is bone loss. 

Ways to prevent height loss 

Adults can prevent the age-related decrease in height, even though there is nothing they can do to get taller. 

A person may lose up to half an inch in height every ten years after turning thirty as a result of osteoporosis, spinal compression, and other factors. Over time, this can result in a noticeable decrease in height. 

Individuals can take action to stop shrinking as they age. Among them are: 

• consuming a healthy diet that includes lots of calcium. 

• engaging in regular weightlifting activities to prevent muscle loss 

• maintaining appropriate hydration 

• giving up smoking, if relevant 

• obtaining lots of sleep 

What are growth stunting factors? 

Numerous conditions can impede growth, resulting in stunting, delayed development, or low stature. 

Several potential reasons that may impede growth include reliable Sources: 

• Inadequate nutrition: Over time, a poor diet and a lack of essential nutrients, such as protein, can cause diminished development. 

• Stress: Prolonged stress may change the way human growth hormone functions, which may have a detrimental effect on growth. 

• Poor bone health: Osteoporosis can result in changes in posture, back pain, and height reduction. Even though it can afflict anyone at any age, older persons are the ones who experience it most frequently.

• Environmental factors: There may be a connection between reduced height and exposure to contaminants such as lead, cadmium, or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), according to some studies Trusted Source. 

• Medical conditions: Chronic illnesses such as anemia, cystic fibrosis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease, as well as growth hormone insufficiency, might impact an individual's total growth. 

The Limb Lengthening Procedure 

A surgical procedure called limb lengthening addresses aesthetic issues, balances the patient's gait, and adjusts height proportion. Lengthening limbs is a process that takes patience, time, and accuracy. Through tiny incisions in the afflicted leg, the reconstructive surgeon does a surgical osteotomy (breaks) on the femur and tibia. 

The leg can grow gradually and under control thanks to the insertion of pins and a magnetic lengthening rod into the bone. The lengthening device is covered with an external magnet, which moves the telescoping rod and mechanizes a gear inside the device. The magnet rotates the gears in the rod to lengthen the limb. 

Leg surgeries take at least a year to even out. Depending on the patient, the first 24-48 hours following surgery can be quite painful. 

The short-term side effect of surgery is that patients must spend 8-12 weeks in bed until they have healed enough to walk. 

It takes a minimum of a year for leg surgery to heal. For some patients, the first 24-48 hours after surgery can be quite uncomfortable. 

Patients who have surgery may experience short-term adverse effects, such as bed rest for 8–12 weeks until they heal sufficiently to walk. 

It is not advisable to pursue leg lengthening surgery for purely aesthetic purposes. Although many people (mostly men) are insecure about their height, there are other ways to boost self-confidence that ideally don't put one at risk for long-term disability. 

What is the price of height-augmentation surgery? 

In the United States, tibia and femoral lengthening combined can cost more than $250,000 with certain doctors, while bilateral femoral lengthening can occasionally cost more than $120,000. 


Numerous variables influence the development of height. Apart from genetic and nutritional variables, environmental factors also significantly influence health. Yoga and other physical activities have also demonstrated their significance. Stress, certain environmental elements, and sleep deprivation are all detrimental to growing taller. A kind of surgery that has been employed recently to raise height is not risk-free, of course.