
How is pregnancy after abdominospplasty

April 22, 2023

After repeated pregnancy, women may resort to a tummy tuck operation to eliminate the sagging abdomen and excess skin. Doctors always advise women to do this operation after the completion of childbearing, but what if pregnancy occurs after a tummy tuck? Does this affect the pregnancy and the fetus, and what is the effect of weight gain during pregnancy on the results of the tummy tuck operation?


Is it possible to get pregnant after a tummy tuck?

Regardless of what most people think, it is possible for a woman to get pregnant after a tummy tuck (if she doesn't have fertility problems). If you want to get pregnant after a tummy tuck, you must fully recover from the procedure. Pregnancy undergoes many changes in your body, so you must ensure that your body fully recovers from the surgery before becoming pregnant.


What should I do if I get pregnant after a tummy tuck in Iran?

There is no need to worry in the event of a pregnancy after a tummy tuck. Still, you can do some things that help maintain some of the results of the tummy tuck, such as slowly and steadily gaining weight with a focus on preserving the strength of the core muscles. On the contrary, if you think about doing a tummy tuck After giving birth and with no certainty of having more children in the future, other procedures can be tried in the meantime, such as minimally invasive skin tightening treatments such as the BodyTite procedure.

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Weight gain during pregnancy and tummy tuck surgery

Significant weight gain during pregnancy may affect the results of tummy tuck surgery as follows:
 Stretching the skin Weight gain after a tummy tuck will affect the surgery results. Since the tummy tuck removes fat cells, the distribution of fat cells is less in the abdominal area, which means that the fat distribution will be less in the stomach area than before surgery. Still, with the skin stretching, the cells will also increase fat again.
Loss of muscle strength Gaining weight causes the skin to stretch the abdominal muscles, which leads to a loss of muscle strength, and the abdominal muscles will not remain flat as they were.

Are the results of tummy tuck operation affected after pregnancy?

Many women ask: are the results of tummy tuck surgery affected after pregnancy? Will I lose my flat stomach after childbirth and sag again? Does this mean the failure of the tummy tuck operation? The answer here is relative, as the effect of the results of a tummy tuck varies from one woman to another. Pregnancy after tummy tuck surgery means going through the same changes as in previous pregnancies, such as stretching of the skin and muscles and sagging of the abdomen. In pregnancy, the uterus presses on the connective tissues that connect the muscles, causing the stomach to sag due to the disintegration of these tissues, which is what the tummy tuck surgery treats. Still, during pregnancy, after the abdominoplasty, the muscles expand and heal naturally, so the sagging is much less. In the worst-case scenario, the sagging occurs again. Still, this time it is the result of weight gained during pregnancy, where fat accumulates in the abdominal area, which can be dealt with by different liposuction techniques, the easiest and most common is Vaser liposuction. The patient is likely to lose about 15% of the results of the tummy tuck operation; So, so the abdomen will not sag much, and you will not yield the results of the process, and this time you can restore your taut stomach with some exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. A healthy diet will help you lose excess weight after pregnancy.

Tips after tummy tuck surgery to maintain the results of tummy tuck surgery after pregnancy and childbirth:

  • Commitment to taking sedative medications, especially before bed, so your body recovers quickly after the operation.
  • Take the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor very carefully to avoid bacterial infection.
  • Wearing the corset, according to the doctor's recommendations, for at least six weeks.
  • Adhere to the instructions for sleeping in a bent position with the head elevated with pillows or sleeping on a folding chair.
  • Focus on eating healthy and drinking enough water.
  • Walking throughout the day after the operation, whenever possible, to drain fluids and swelling at the site of the process.


When can you get pregnant after a tummy tuck?

Before we answer your questions, you must know that there are two types of tummy tuck operations, and according to the kind of operation you performed, we can determine when pregnancy is possible after a tummy tuck. Repair of the lower abdominal longitudinal muscles can be done if necessary and is often done after cesarean delivery in the same operation. As for a total tummy tuck, in which excess fat and skin in the abdominal area are removed, the longitudinal and transverse muscles are repaired. In most cases, the position of the navel is modified. Many doctors prefer to perform a total tummy tuck a year after birth until the effect of pregnancy hormones on the abdominal muscles disappears. So if you underwent a partial tummy tuck, you could get pregnant two or three months after the operation. Still, if your operation is a total tummy tuck, doctors advise not to plan for pregnancy until at least a year after the operation.

Complications and risks of pregnancy after liposuction for women

Although liposuction is mainly cosmetic and is performed on women with a healthy body, pregnant women undergo many hormonal changes that can lead to weight gain than required by pregnancy. Fat accumulates during pregnancy in other areas that have not undergone liposuction. Fats, but weight gain can recede after childbirth, and the body almost regains its original shape. It is necessary to monitor the weight during pregnancy after liposuction so as not to get excessive weight gain that can lead to the appearance of stretch marks, sagging skin and cellulite in the areas of the abdomen, thighs, breasts and hips. It may be helpful to mention that liposuction reduces fat and improves the general appearance, but it is not a treatment for signs of liposuction. Stretching of the skin, cellulite, or tightening of loose skin may need a tummy tuck. As for the areas that underwent liposuction, they often regain their previous position before pregnancy because the fat cells in those areas have died through the liposuction process, and the rest of the fat cells can be exposed to inflation and increase in size by only a tiny percentage. It can be said that pregnancy after liposuction affects the results of the liposuction procedure temporarily. Still, after delivery and the weight returns to what it was before pregnancy, the improvements of liposuction will return to what it was before.

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