
How is pregnancy after abdominospplasty

After repeated pregnancy, women may resort to a tummy tuck operation to eliminate the sagging abdomen and excess skin. Doctors always advise women to do this operation after the completion of childbearing, but what if pregnancy occurs after a tummy tuck? Does this affect the pregnancy and the fetus, and what is the effect of weight gain during pregnancy on the results of the tummy tuck operation?

14 equestions about eye color chang

Eye color is often a genetic trait that surprises parents more as the child grows. Will the baby's eyes be black, brown, blue, gray, green, hazel, or a mixture of colors? What a child looks like depends on the genetic material that each parent shares with the child. But parents' genes can mix and match in many different ways. The effects of each parent remain unknown until the birth of the child.

how to remove hair permanently

Excessive hair is one of the most annoying problems for many women and men. Despite the use of old and inherited traditional methods such as wax, razor or hair removal preparations, they are all temporary means whose results do not last long, hair quickly grows again, requiring repeated use regularly to obtain satisfactory results, and each has some side effects that harm Skin health over time.

Microinjection method

ICSI, with the full name "Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection," is one of the newest assisted reproductive methods (ART) used by IVF technology. This method is used when the male sperm does not have enough speed and strength to reach and enter the egg. In this case, they must be fertilized in the laboratory after receiving samples of male sperm and female eggs. In other words, it can be said that the ICSI method is more beneficial for couples with sperm problems, But in the IVF method, the most significant focus is on fertilizing the egg.

What is keratoconus?

The cornea is the outermost part of the eye and has a spherical shape with a thickness of about 0.52 mm, and it gets thicker near its edges. The cornea plays a vital role in the vision process. Light enters the cornea through the lacrimal membrane fluid before reaching the lens and then to the retina, where chemical and electrical signals are sent to the brain to form images. The cornea is the part that protects the different parts of the eye from external factors such as winds, dust, and others. In typical cases, the cornea forms a dome or a slightly convex surface.

Best Liposuction Aftercare

There are many types and operations of liposuction available: there is the surgical procedure, Vaser liposuction, and liposuction procedure. These methods aim to remove the accumulated fat in a specific part of the body, such as the abdomen, arms, buttocks, chest, back, pelvis or thighs Or the chin and neck. Indeed, these operations cannot be relied upon as a general weight loss.

Best non surgical facelift 2022

No woman in the world doesn't want to become beautiful, and the most important thing about a woman is the beauty of her face in every detail. Beauty but did you think that after getting all those details, you would not be satisfied with your appearance. Are you looking for the missing link that connects all the parts of your face?

Everything you need to know about dental implants

Dental implant surgery is a process by which the roots of the teeth are replaced with metal abutments similar to screws, and the damaged or missing tooth is replaced with an artificial tooth that closely resembles natural teeth in terms of appearance and performance.

Causes of hair loss

Hair loss is the total or partial loss of hair in one of the body areas where hair usually grows, especially the area on the top of the head. Daily hair loss is a natural alternation between old and new fallen inches. Hair loss becomes a problem when it starts to fall out quickly or stops growing normally.